Brain Based Therapy Further Explained

BBT Explained
For thousands of years mankind has searched outside himself for health, success and happiness when in fact it all lies within us. This material is for those who want to eliminate chronic health issues with a new way of viewing health and longevity.
To understand the true causes of health and dis-ease, one must search deep into the sciences of neurology, physiology, quantum physics, and many of the alternative health disciplines. Brain Based Rehabilitation is the result of the integration of information and treatment methods from these fields of study. Brain Based Rehabilitation restores body function from the inside-out, not the outside-in.

We are confronted more so than any time in our history with the total collapse of the medical approach to illness and disease. The cost of health care (really sickness care) is reaching more than 400 billion dollars a year, and the fourth leading cause of death is related to some sort of medical procedure. This situation is the natural outcome of the mechanistic concepts presented by Sir Isaac Newton in the seventeenth century: That we are nothing more than chemical factories and machines that can have parts cut out or chemicals added.

We know that many people today are health conscious and exercise, take supplements, eat right and think good thoughts. But if that were all that were necessary for good health, then no one who follows this regime would ever have health problems. These are all important contributors but not the major requirement for good health.

Coordinated energy running in and through all living things is the absolute requirement for good health. Without this, nothing else works. You can put all the vitamins, pills or potions into a corpse and nothing will happen. Optimum life energy is the goal of Brain Based Rehabilitation, and I hope you find the information in this document helpful to you in your quest for better health.

Brain Based Rehabilitation is a series of procedures used to locate and correct all areas of nerve and energy interference caused by injuries, emotional experiences, chemical insults and electromagnetic disruptions in the body.

The main benefits of Brain Based Rehabilitation are:

  1. Restore optimum neurological function and neurological integration of different parts of the brain and nervous system
  2. Improve the function of the glands and organs; improving function, resistance and health.
  3. Correct and improve spinal problems.
  4. Reduce healing time from injuries, reduce the pain and swelling from sprains, strains, muscle pulls, disc problems, severe bruising and dislocations.
  5. Eliminate allergies and chemical sensitivities.
  6. Restore nourishment to the body.
There are four basic types of interference:

Emotional interference comes from any event that causes emotional upset or uneasy feelings. They can come from major life-changing events such as divorce, abuse, death of a loved one, etc., triggering obvious outward feelings such as pain, anger, frustration, abandonment, grief, betrayal, despair, etc. They can also come from seemingly minor issues such as being scolded by a parent, not being accepted by peers, being embarrassed in school, etc.

Physical interference comes from any trauma or injury to the spine such as strains, sprains, cuts, scars, head traumas, joint and spinal disc injuries, auto accidents, broken bones, falls, sports, surgeries, etc. Even if there is no pain in an area of old injury, it still can have a "reactive cellular stress-memory". This category also includes organ weakness and malfunction such as liver problems, kidney weakness, pancreas dysfunction, heart disease, and more.

Chemical interference comes from exposure to chemicals in our every day life that the body senses as harmful. There are two categories of chemical stress-reactions. Toxic chemicals are an unavoidable part of modern life, and make up one category of chemical stress-memories. Allergies are the other. The body senses a substance in the environment and automatically triggers a response based on stress-memory. This response starts as a neurological one, then the nervous system controls the classic allergic immune response. This is why it is called a "Neuro-immune" response. Clearing the neurological response stops the allergic reaction at its source.

Electromagnetic interference includes such things as computer screens, high-tension power lines, cell-phones, microwave towers, etc. and are just now being accepted as a dangerous threat to health. Major power companies have recently begun posting official warnings to their customers of the harmful effects of these types of devices.

All of these types of interference are easily demonstrated by being aware of subtle changes in the body, including changes in blood pressure, neuro-muscular reactions (kinesiology tests) and changes in structural balance.


Brain Based Rehabilitation procedures are a unique approach and pinpoint as well as treat the results of past and current physical, chemical, emotional trauma which re-creates aberrant neurological function (fibromyalgia, dizziness, chronic migraines, restless leg syndrome, insomnia and other physical changes). Then using various modalities such as warm calorics, enhanced air treatment, vibration, auricular therapy, auditory therapy, olfactory stimulation, unilateral adjustments are utilized to reverse the aberrant neurological patterns. The treatments stimulate specific neuro-receptor pathways triggering a nerve response into the brain that interrupts the abnormal patterns and normalizes the patterns within the brain.

Brain Based Rehabilitation utilizes stimulation in the atlanto-occipital area as its primary window into the nervous system because the distribution of neuro-receptors is the highest in this region, allowing for precise brain activation. (Neuro-receptors convert mechanical environmental stimulation to electrical life energy.)

Neuroreceptors are distributed in a very precise cell pattern, with the fewest number in the feet and hands increasing in number when one moves up the body toward the brain. The highest percentage is in the atlanto-occipital joints (approximately 200 times more than in other areas of the neck).

These receptors not only create and transmit energy to the brain they are a major portion of the nerve communication network.

"Everything that we believe originates in the brain - especially emotions - actually begins in the body, and moves up to the brain. We are a buzzing, moving network, largely of neuroreceptors and peptides that make up the elements of the transport system that carries information around the body."Candace Pert, Ph.D., Dept. of Physiology & Biophysics School of Medicine, Georgetown University, Washington.
Why should it be surprising then to learn that injury to receptors in joints and muscles from strains and sprains could disrupt the function of the system?


Recent understandings of the immune system, the limbic system (emotions) and the endocrine system (hormones) have revealed that these are highly interconnected and coordinated through the master nervous system. Frequencies within the brain and nerve system determine brain chemical balances (emotions), the body's hormone balances, and the immune systems allergic responses. Brain chemicals, hormones and certain immune factors are actually produced within nerve tissue, and released into the body when certain nerves are activated. Optimum frequencies within the brain and nerve system help orchestrate this perfect symphony of chemicals and immune factors to bring about optimum function and health.

This plays a very important role in our physical and emotional health, regulating our moods, modifying our addictions, modulating our allergies and boosting our immune defenses.

When a nerve does not receive a stimulus it will begin to atrophy, a condition known as Transneural Degeneration. The longer this continues, the longer it takes to restore nerve function.

Nerves regenerate through a process called Plasticity. When a nerve pathway is stimulated, it begins to deposit new protein along each nerve. New nerve tissue grows to bridge the gap, bypassing the area of atrophy and creating new synapses. If stimulation stops before growth is completed, no further growth occurs and the pathway will begin to atrophy again. This explains why, while rare, it may take weeks, months, or even years for complete healing to occur.

Brain Based Rehabilitation procedures are designed to stimulate these areas of degeneration and restore function to these pathways.

The Brain Based Rehabilitation procedures were developed over the past twenty-plus years by Dr. Frederick Carrick and Dr. Michael Johnson (author of the book; What Do You Do When The Medications Don't Work? - A NON-DRUG TREATMENT of Dizziness, Migraine Headaches, Fibromyalgia, and other Chronic Conditions). Dr. Michael Johnson compiled the information from Dr. Carrick explaining how it works, and developed a concise and teachable program. Many other doctors including Dr. Jonathan Widenbaum have been mentored by Dr. Michael Johnson to enable them to help patients who suffer from chronic conditions with Brain Based Rehabilitation.
As an added bonus, the Brain Based Rehabilitation system can be used to maintain health with ongoing monitoring and corrective care as needed.
(Not simply feeling good)
Dorlands Medical Dictionary:
"Health: A state of optimum physical, mental and social wellbeing, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity."

Roberts Pathology Textbook
"Disease begins with the malfunction of cells. When enough cells malfunction, symptoms occur."

Greys Anatomy Textbook:
"The brain and nerve system regulates and controls all body function directly or indirectly."

"In disease, look first to the spine for the cause."

Thomas Edison
"The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame (the spine), in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease."

Symptoms occur when the body can no longer adapt to its environment. Symptoms are natures FIRE ALARM, telling you there is something wrong. Trying to eliminate symptoms without determining the cause is no different than turning off the fire alarm to put out a fire.

Treating disease to improve health is analogous to treating cold to warm up a room, or treating darkness to light up a room. Cold and darkness do not exist, but are merely the absence of something. Cold is the absence of heat, and darkness is the absence of light. In the same way, disease is the absence of health. Restoring the heat naturally eliminates cold, restoring light naturally eliminates darkness, and restoring health naturally eliminates symptoms and disease.

The definition of health stated above means improving function in the body, and to improve function in the body, one must look to the system that regulates and controls all body function - the nerve system.




Unfortunately, most of us are taught that germs (or things outside the body) cause disease, but that is not how true science views it. Did you notice that "Germs" are not mentioned in the definition of disease, nor is anything relating to anything outside the body? Germs are nature's scavengers, eating dead and dying tissue in an attempt to break down organic matter. Saying that germs cause disease is like saying flies cause garbage.

A well known scientist, Dr Emanual Cheraskin, M.D., Professor Emeritus University of Alabama, once said:


As Professor Harold Burr, Ph.D. states "Energy starts it all. Nothing exists without energy." In fact, Albert Einstein stated "All there is in the universe is energy, vibrating at different frequencies." Albert Gyorsmi, M.D., a Nobel Laureate said, "Treating illness without balancing energy is treating dead tissue." And another Nobel Prize laureate states "Body chemistry is controlled by energy fields."

There are many forms of energy vibrations within cells, between cells and throughout the body. All these vibrational frequencies are interrelated and interdependent. The nerve system receives and transmits these energy vibrations to and from the brain, where they are coordinated for total body health. Interruption or interference causes a disruption of these frequencies, which leads to malfunction in the body, leading to disease.

"We as human organisms are a series of interacting multidimensional subtle energy systems, and if these energy systems become imbalanced there may be resulting pathological symptoms which manifest on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual planes."From introduction by Gabriel Cousens, M.D., to Vibrational Medicine: New Choices for Healing Ourselves, by Richard Gerber, M.D.

Logically then, one should look to this system for the cause of many health problems.
It has been assumed for many years that the energy we call life was generated in the brain by chemical action, or that it came from outside of the body. This is not true. It has been observed for decades that, if a new born baby is wrapped up and not allowed to move freely, as was the case in some hospitals in the Soviet Union, these newborn babies would die in just a matter of weeks. It wasn't until recent neuro-physiological discoveries were made that we fully understood the mechanism for this. Movement of muscles, joints and the organs of the five senses convert environmental and mechanical stimulation into electro-chemical nerve energy that is sent to the brain.

When these nerve impulses reach the various parts of the brain, they, along with frequencies from receptor/nerve pathways from other parts of the brain and body, provide the necessary stimulation for the brain to actually function (a process called "spatial summation"). The brain and nervous system are a series of receptor/nerve pathways linked to each other in a "nerve network system." Each part of this network system depends on the frequency of firing from all other parts.

The nervous system is a sensory driven system. This means that it needs stimulation/input from the environment in order to function. In fact, it will ultimately cease to function without this input. Environmental stimulation of specialized receptors including light, sound, touch, movement, heat, taste, smell, etc., provides this input. Motion and stretch receptors inside joints and muscles provide most of this stimulation. The more receptors that are stimulated in and around joints, the better the nervous system functions.

In scientific terms, stimulation from joints and muscles stimulate the Thalamus, a large switchboard nucleus located deep inside the brain. The Thalamus receives information from all senses (except smell) and routes it to the appropriate area of the cortex. The integrated state of the Thalamus is very critical for optimal function of the nervous system. For example, the Thalamo-hypothalamo-reticulospinal loop is very important for proper stimulation/inhibition of the autonomic sympathetic and parasympathetic systems (the "automatic" nerves that control our organs and glands). The Thalamo-cortico-striatal loops are very important in coordinated movement patterns. Virtually all function of the brain depends on stimulation of the Thalamus and Cerebellum from receptors inside joints and muscles.

Damage to muscle stretch receptors from cuts, needle punctures, tears of muscles and sprains, strains, fractures to joints disrupts the function of the mechano joint receptors.

The Brain Based Rehabilitation process using the ArthroStim® and VibraCussor® instruments provides very specific stimulation directly into these receptor rich areas, and thereby causes very powerful stimulation of the deep brain centers. Additionally various other modalities including heat, oxygen, olfactory (fragrance) stimulation, auditory (sound) stimulation, vibration, slow stretching, visual stimulation, electro-acupuncture and others are used to provide specific input to areas of the brain to reprogram proper neurological function. These are designed specifically to meet the needs of each particular patient - a customized approach.


Survival is a major goal of our bodies. Not only survival to the environment, but survival in spite of the many accidents and injuries sustained over a lifetime.

A major survival technique used by the intelligence of the body is referred to as compensation. This compensation occurs most often in the spine. Virtually all spinal problems are the result of compensation to injury of the cervical spine.

These injuries commonly occur during the birthing process, caused by either a difficult birth or the doctor assisting in delivery by pulling on the head and neck of the infant. This trauma can result in injury to the cervical spine, meninges, and/or cranial vault, leading to increased stress on the brain and brain stem. To reduce this harmful stress, the innate intelligence (our in-born healing intelligence) begins to distribute this stress down the spinal joints, ultimately affecting the entire spine. This can occur instantly, in the case of severe falls, etc., or gradually over time. When the normal cervical lordotic (forward) curve is altered in any way, the entire spine must adapt. There is increased pressure and stress on the joints, and muscle tone is affected.

When the spine compensates all the way to the sacrum, the stress is then distributed into joints in the hips, knees, ankles and feet. A very high percentage of knee and foot problems are caused by compensation.


1. It is essential that there be a free flow of energy in an organized systematic manner through all living things.

2. Any interference to this flow of energy results in abnormal function (dis-ease). All traumas, past and present, have the potential of creating this interference. This includes all forms of interference, including physical, emotional, chemical and electromagnetic.

3. In order for the body to function and heal properly, it is essential that all forms of interference or blockages be located and cleared.

4. The Brain Based Rehabilitation procedures were developed to locate interference and actively restore energy flow throughout the body.

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